To All Members:
There will be no practice this coming Saturday, August 13 due to the All US Kendo Federation (AUSKF) National Championships being held here in Atlanta.
We highly encourage everyone to come to the tournament from Aug 12-13. This event is only held every 3 years and will be a good chance to see Kendo practitioners from all over the United States come together and compete.
Let’s also give our support to the team from our federation, the South Eastern US Kendo Federation (SEUSKF). Especially to those competing from our very own dojo, Atlanta Kendo Kai.
The details for the event are below. Thank you.
– Atlanta Kendo Kai
2011 AUSKF National Championships
Emory College – Woodruff Physical Education Center
600 Asbury Circle
Atlanta, GA 30322
Schedule on 8/12(Friday) 10AM ~ 5PM
Youth & Mudansha is in the morning, after lunch Men’s and Women’s individuals
Schedule on 8/13(Saturday) 9AM~ 3PM
Youth teams in the morning, after lunch Men’s and Women’s teams