As announced, the 2013 registration process for the All US Kendo Federation (AUSKF), SouthEastern US Kendo Federation (SEUSKF) and of our dojo, Atlanta Kendo Kai is now ongoing.
If you wish to participate in any AUSKF/SEUSKF event such as a tournament or promotional testing this year, you will have to register and pay the appropriate dues for AUSKF/SEUSKF.
We highly encourage everybody to pay these dues so we can all test together and compete at tournaments. Otherwise, you can still opt to just pay the annual dojo fee.
The deadline for the registration and payment of fees is February 16, 2013 – Saturday.
We have outlined the requirements and fee schedule below and divided them between AUSKF/SEUSKF/Atlanta Kendo Kai and Atlanta Kendo Kai Only registration. We apologize if these may seem a lot, so if you have any questions or concerns please approach either Barr sensei or Oliver senpai after class. You may also email us at: [email protected].
AUSKF/SEUSKF/Atlanta Kendo Kai Registration
1. Required form: If you were NOT a member last year, please complete the SEUSKF AGREEMENT AND RELEASE FROM LIABILITY.pdf.
2. Payment of fees: Please make one check payable to “Atlanta Kendo Kai” for the amount of $90 for Adults aged 18 and over or $70 for Youth aged 17 and under.
3. Breakdown of the fees are as follows:
Adults (18 and over):
AUSKF Annual Registration – $40;
SEUSKF Annual Registration – $30;
Atlanta Kendo Kai Annual Registration – $20;
Total $90
Youth (17 and under):
AUSKF Annual Registration – $25;
SEUSKF Annual Registration – $25;
Atlanta Kendo Kai Annual Registration – $20;
Total $70
Atlanta Kendo Kai Registration – only
1. If you have no plans of going to a tournament or testing for the entire year, you can opt to just pay the annual Atlanta Kendo Kai dues.
2. Payment of fees: Please make a check payable to “Atlanta Kendo Kai” for the amount of $20 which is our annual dues. The dues are used to fund the different internal projects the dojo undertakes throughout the year.